Food Matters

The Single Most Important Change for Better Well-Being

Hey there, Wellness Seeker! 

Welcome to our latest edition, where we explore the transformative power of intentional nutrition. At 7D, we celebrate the profound impact of natural, whole foods on our well-being. In a world that often values convenience over quality, the consequence is a decline in overall health and a disconnection from our food sources. Embracing real food is more than a choice; it’s a commitment to self-care and optimal health. Join us as we slow down, savor the flavors, and place nourishment at the heart of our dining experiences. So, grab your apron, and let’s embark on this flavorful adventure together!

Unveiling the Power of Real Food: What you need to know!

Eating real food is like giving your body a VIP pass to the ultimate wellness concert! It’s more than just satisfying hunger; it’s about fueling your body with nature’s finest ingredients. Packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, real food supercharges your energy levels and bolsters your immune system. Plus, it’s free from harmful additives, preservatives, and artificial flavors that can sabotage your health. While changing your eating habits might seem overwhelming, start small by focusing on one positive change at a time. Each step brings you closer to a healthier, more vibrant you.

Tips for Rocking Your Real Food Journey:

  • Become aware of and eliminate seed oils for a significant and lasting effect on your health. Seed oils like canola, soybean, corn, safflower, rice bran, grapeseed, rapeseed, and sunflower oil are often highly processed, can become rancid, and may lead to chronic inflammation in the body. These oils are commonly found in processed foods, salad dressings, snack foods, baked goods, and restaurant meals. Opt instead for healthier fats like olive oil, coconut oil, or avocado oil. Psst! Read your labels!

  • The number of additives and preservatives used in our food system is extensive, and many can negatively affect our health. Maltodextrin is one of those additives. This highly processed starch can cause rapid blood sugar spikes, disrupt gut health, and contribute to a range of health issues, including inflammation, metabolic syndrome, and weight gain. Start by minimizing or eliminating maltodextrin to kickstart your journey!

  • Flip the script on cooking! Instead of viewing it as a tiresome chore, consider it the most impactful change you can make for your health and well-being. Cooking from scratch isn’t just about preparing meals; it’s about nourishing your body with natural ingredients and flavors that can transform your health from the inside out. Add one additional home-cooked meal to your routine each week.

  • Become a grocery shopping guru by sticking to the store’s perimeter, where you’ll find vibrant veggies, fruits, lean meats, and other natural goodness. When you do venture into the interior aisles, be vigilant and carefully check labels for hidden additives and preservatives. (Ignore the flashy health claims—most are just smoke and mirrors!)

  • Elevate your mealtime experience! Shift from “just eating” to fully embracing the moment. Slow down, indulge your senses, and relish each bite. Let the magic of real food captivate your senses, turning every meal into a delightful sensory adventure.

Parting Pearls of Wisdom:

When you choose real food, you’re nourishing your body from the inside out, promoting vitality, longevity, and overall well-being. Food isn’t just fuel; it’s a catalyst for healing, happiness, and connection. Let’s prioritize intentional nutrition by bringing awareness to what’s in our food and where it comes from. Honor the incredible impact of food on our well-being. Change takes time, and it’s okay to stumble along the way!

Before we say goodbye, let’s acknowledge that it can be discouraging when efforts to change don’t stick—we’ve been there, too! Stay curious about what might be holding you back, and keep an eye out for our next edition, where we’ll explore our relationship with food. Until then, happy cooking and happy eating!

Carrot enthusiasts, keep shining bright!

Tracy Arnold


Intentional eating isn’t about restriction; it’s about mindfulness. So when you decide to have dessert, indulge guilt-free, knowing you’re nourishing your body and spirit. One of our favorites is this Healthy Carrot Cake Cupcake Recipe. If you make it, savor each bite and appreciate the moment.

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