Environmental Wellness
I know what sustains me and avoid what harms me.
Environmental Wellness is being in tune with how our everyday life impacts us; taking responsibility for what we’re exposed to in our homes, work, relationships, and greater surroundings. It is being aware of how our environment affects us and, in turn, how we affect the environment.
The study of human ecology emphasizes the connection between everything we touch, everything that touches us, and our health; it is the study of how we live our daily lives. Understanding ourselves as ecosystems can help us make changes toward sustainability and healing.
It’s essential to recognize that we can’t always grow where we are planted; sometimes, we must change our environment. By bringing awareness to the negative inputs in our lives, we can determine if our current habitat is beneficial to our growth and well-being. If necessary, we can then make the changes that support our goals and vision for the future. This process of adaptation and change is essential for fostering a healthier and more harmonious relationship with both ourselves and the world around us.
For example, imagine a person who is constantly surrounded by toxic relationships and negative influences. They may notice that their mental and emotional well-being is suffering, and they are not able to grow and thrive in such an environment. In recognizing their negative inputs, they decide to make the necessary adjustments by cutting ties with toxic individuals and seeking out healthier relationships. As a result, they are able to create a new environment that supports their personal growth and well-being, leading to a more fulfilling and sustainable life. Change can be challenging and uncomfortable, but it is often necessary for personal growth.
Another example might be our diet and lifestyle choices. If we consistently consume unhealthy foods and engage in sedentary behaviors, our physical and mental well-being may suffer. However, by making conscious decisions to eat nutritious meals and incorporate regular exercise into our daily routine, we can improve our overall health and increase our energy levels. These positive changes can have a ripple effect on other aspects of our lives, such as boosting our self-confidence and enhancing our productivity.
Embracing new environments and experiences can lead to valuable opportunities for learning and self-discovery. Ultimately, by being open to change and actively seeking out supportive habitats, we can create a more fulfilling and balanced life for ourselves.
“It’s time to change our thinking from what we want to what we need. Safety, nourishment, love, genuine connection, belonging, purpose, fresh air, clean water, and peace of mind. These factors influence our everyday lives and can contribute favorably or negatively to our health and well-being.”
– It’s an Inside Job