Intellectual Wellness

I am curious, aware, and always learning.


Intellectual Wellness is being curious, open to differing views, and having the ability to challenge everything we think we know. It also means being aware of our power to create.

Wellness in this dimension is not about intelligence, IQ, or a college education; it is about curiosity and a willingness to learn. A lifelong learner is open to exploring new topics and has a willingness to challenge their beliefs. Research shows that curiosity can impact our emotional, psychological, physical, and social health.

The power of the mind is an important aspect of our functioning, as our thoughts shape our reality. By cultivating positive and empowering thoughts, we can shape a more fulfilling life. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep breathing, help us become more present and aware, allowing us to make conscious choices in the present moment. Many aspects of life are beyond our control, but we always have the power to choose our response. Personal growth comes through introspection, deliberate thought, and action. By having the power to choose, we are the architects of our lives.

Lifelong learning and self-reflection can lead to personal growth and development. It allows us to adapt to changes and challenges in life, making us more resilient and better equipped to handle obstacles. By continuously learning and reflecting, we can improve our overall well-being and lead a more fulfilling life. By reflecting on our thoughts and behaviors, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and make conscious choices that align with our current values and goals. This process of self-reflection requires honesty, deep thinking, and taking responsibility for our own happiness.

“Conscious choice is our superpower. However, it is critical to remember that the only way to make a conscious choice is in the here and now. Otherwise, the subconscious decides for us based on stored information. This is why mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep breathing, can be so powerful in helping us become more present and aware. As we quiet the chatter of our minds, we gain the ability to make intentional decisions and shape our own narrative.”

-It’s an Inside Job



It’s an Inside Job is a valuable resource for anyone looking to make positive changes in their life and the world around them.


In this dynamic exploration of wellness, intellectual well-being intertwines seamlessly with friendship. “It’s an Inside Job – The Friend’s Guide to the 7 Dimensions of Wellness” takes you on an inward journey, accompanied by three understanding friends, Diane, Helen, and Tracy, creating a supportive and enriching experience.
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